Looking for a reliable source of weather information and alerts? Subscribe to our website and stay informed on the latest weather conditions and forecasts for your area. With our subscription, you’ll receive personalized updates on severe weather events, as well as access to expert analysis and tips for staying safe during extreme weather.
People continue to demand accurate weather forecasts and warnings for the simple reason of preparedness!
Stay up-to-date on the latest weather conditions and alerts with our weather SMS subscription service! Sign up now and receive personalized text message alerts on severe weather events and other weather-related updates for your area. Our expert meteorologists will provide real-time information and analysis to help you stay safe during extreme weather conditions. Plus, our SMS subscription service is easy to use and customize, so you only receive the information that’s relevant to you. Don’t let unexpected weather catch you off guard – sign up for our weather SMS subscription service today and stay informed wherever you go!
Our Metrologist and his weather team work 7 days a week to ensure that our customers get their updates on time.
Our metrologist analyses the weather data gathered from different sources.
Our team of weather experts generate content from the gathered data.
Weather forecasts are sent to subscriber via email, sms, web portal, and mobile app
Fiji’s first weather app – NaDraki, a simple weather app that supplies localised forecasts to its subscribers on a daily basis. NaDraki provides expert weather and climate consultative services to business, industry, government and non-government organizations and the community in Fiji.
This App helps easily plan and prepare for all weather eventualities and shares warnings of severe weather conditions around Fiji Islands, as soon as we issue them.
We are so happy to be serving our awesome customers.